All Speaking is Public Speaking…
It doesn’t matter if you’re speaking to an audience of 1 or 100 – you have to be able to get your point across, gain support for it, and receive approval for your innovative and other business ideas.
Whether it’s via our new reality of daily videoconferencing or in-person (remember that?), few people are comfortable speaking in public and fewer still who are skilled public speakers. Whether you’re a leader or an individual contributor, the ability to speak well, make your case, and influence others can make the difference between career success and career distress. Whatever your speaking ability – beginner or experienced – we can take you to the next level.
We customize all speaking programs to suit your needs. If you don’t see something on this page you want – no problem! We’ll build a program to suit you.
Wow Them Over Videoconference
Length: One Half Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who regularly runs meetings and gives presentations over videoconference.
Is there such a thing as ‘Zoom Fatigue’? Whether your workplace uses Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or another platform, the latest research* shows that videoconferencing as a communications vehicle can be exhausting. Here’s why:
- Being on a video call requires more focus than a face-to-face chat.
- We are very aware of being watched – adds to ‘pressure to perform’.
- It’s equally exhausting for extroverts as it is for introverts. Extroverts find the lack of face to face contact exhausting. Introverts feel the pressure to be ‘on’ all the time.
- Our work and personal lives have merged. All of our life roles (worker, parent, spouse, etc.) happen in the same place now.
Learn our practical and effective SPA™ method to be your best on video: Set the Stage, Prepare to Present, Activate Your Skills
*Source: INSEAD, April 2020 and direct client research.
The Reluctant Speaker
Length: One Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who feels intimidated by speaking, has had a negative past experience or is being newly required by the needs of their job to speak in meetings and deliver presentations.
So much fun, participants won’t even notice they’re becoming a speaker! Designed to conquer fears, build confidence, and prove to participants they can survive in front of an audience, this dynamic session draws on techniques from improvisational theatre. Exercises focus on the how of effective speaking rather than the content of a speech, including vocal variety, vocal energy, volume, body language, eye contact, and conquering fears and nerves. The session ends with all participants delivering a two-minute presentation about…anything!
Texter to Speaker
Length: One Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for those more comfortable communicating in 140 character bursts of text than face to face with an audience.
Do you wish you were as confident in front of people as you are in front of a screen? Do you wish you could compose your thoughts and speak your mind when you can’t press the delete button?
Designed to conquer fears, build confidence, and prove to participants they can survive in front of an audience, this dynamic session draws on a variety of techniques from improvisational theatre to focus on the how of effective speaking rather than the what. From the glow of the screen light to the glow of the spotlight, participants transport the confidence they feel online to confidence on stage.
Embrace the Stage
Length: Two Days
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is reasonably comfortable with speaking, has delivered a number of presentations in meetings, facilitates meetings or workshops, or is moving into a leadership position where persuasion and influence will be critical.
Two dynamic days of discovering stage presence! Participants will spend the bulk of their time ‘on stage’, unlocking the secret of their own individual stage persona and voice, their ‘inner speaker’, and capitalizing on their authentic speaking personality. This session places an intense focus on body language, vocal power and projection, and stage management. Participants need to be prepared to challenge their limits and try new approaches.
Own the Stage
Length: Three Days (available as an intensive weekend retreat)
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is reasonably comfortable with speaking, has delivered a number of presentations in meetings, facilitates meetings or workshops, or is moving into a leadership position where persuasion and influence will be critical.
This course is a comprehensive introduction to The Big Three of Public Speaking ™: Identify, Simplify, Electrify. Participants will build a speech by progressing through audience analysis, developing an opening hook, the power of persuasion and the rule of three, transitions and power words, closing hooks, and a call to action. They will also experience and use techniques of vocal variety, body language, and stage presence. Each day also involves improvisational speaking exercises, performing aspects of their developing speech, and developing stage presence.
Master the Stage
Length: 5 days (available in 5 day blocks or spread out over 5 weeks)
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who has an important speech or conference presentation within the next 30 to 90 days, is reasonably comfortable with speaking, has delivered a number of presentations in meetings, facilitates meetings or workshops, or is moving into a leadership position where persuasion and influence will be critical.
This course combines all the dynamism of stage presence discovery with The Big Three of Public Speaking ™: Identify, Simplify, Electrify. Not only will participants build a speech from audience analysis through delivering a call to action, they will spend a significant amount of time ‘on stage’, workshopping their developing speeches. They will learn how to capitalize on their authentic speaking personality, use the power of body language and vocal variety, and challenge their limits by trying new approaches. Participants will not only leave the course with a completed speech but will be ready to successfully deliver it!
Peak Performance Boot Camp
Length: One Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is comfortable with public speaking already, interested in taking their skills to the next level, willing to challenge their comfort level, or interested in becoming a professional speaker.
Participants will experience intense focus on The Big Three of Public Speaking ™: Identify, Simplify, Electrify. Ideally, they already have a speech prepared or have an upcoming presentation that will be workshopped during the session. However, those without a speech will also find this session greatly beneficial. Participants need to be prepared for in-depth, frank feedback on all aspects of their speaking from organization and content to visual aids and presentation approach.
Persuasive PowerPoints
Length: One Day
Participant Profile: any speaker at any level that wants to create a PowerPoint that packs a punch.
All of us have sat through mind-numbing presentations with PowerPoints that are boring, busy, baffling – or all three. Somewhere along the way, people have been trained to believe their PowerPoint is their presentation instead of the supporting tool it really is. This session helps participants build powerful, persuasive PowerPoints that engage rather than enrage an audience. Ideally, participants already have a PowerPoint in progress for an upcoming presentation, but those starting from scratch will also find this day beneficial.
Election Ready: Stand and Deliver
Length: Three Days (available as an intensive weekend retreat or spread out over three weeks)
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is running for council.
The influential power of social media and ‘ten-second sound bytes’ are the reality in today’s political environment. Utilizing the power of The Big Three of Public Speaking ™: Identify, Simplify, Electrify, participants will learn how to:
• harness the challenges of running for office in this ‘always on’ environment
• develop and refine a clear message for critical audiences
• remaining calm, focused, and articulate in the face of intrusive and combative questions
• develop a political ‘brand’ through successful speaking.
Participants will build a stump speech as well as learn how to modify it for various audiences. Intensive focus on developing their political voice is a feature of this program, and participants need to be prepared for frank feedback and challenging their assumptions.
Deft Debating: Never Let Them See You Sweat
Length: One Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is running for council.
One off-hand comment in a debate can sink a candidate’s chances. This intensive and focused session prepares candidates for the challenges of fast-moving debates including staying on message, developing sound bytes that capture key messages, and managing tone and body language in combative debate situations. Participants are required to complete a questionnaire prior to the session regarding key issues in their districts, their desired message, and key messages of fellow candidates.